3 stycznia 2011
Dear !!! We are pleased to inform you that Ania’s composition „Wiem,że jesteś tam” (’’I Know You Are There’’ ) is among the 60 songs competing for the title The Greatest Hit of The Year in the plebiscite called „Grajmy swoje”, organized by radio RDN Małopolska. Let’s choose together the best Polish song of the year 2010! The plebiscite began on 1 January and its results will be announced on 27 January on the radio channel RDN Małopolska between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Meanwhile, you can cast your votes . There are 60 songs competing for the title The Greatest Hit of The Year . For the last twelve months, they have collected the biggest number of votes from the listeners of Radio RDN Ma?opolska, the radio station and the music journalists in the plebiscite called „Grajmy Swoje”. If you want to check the current location of Ania’s song, visit the website of Radio RDN Małopolska. We would like to encourage you to cast your votes. From Monday till Friday, the voters could win a DVD or an MP4, and on the last Thursday of January, during the finale, there is a chance to win a netbook.